Radish Leaf Walnut Pesto

Radish leaf walnut pesto

As the days grow longer and the weather warms, farmers market stands begin to fill with more colourful produce. Radishes recently made their appearance, glowing globes like multi coloured christmas lights adorning the market tables… It was exciting I tell you! In the spring, radishes are a mild, juicy, and crunchy addition to salads and tacos, even the green tops are delightful.

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Kimchi Kraut

Kimchi kraut in mason jar.

There’s something magical about fermentation. In this case, it’s a process by which over salted vegetables yields a highly delicious product. Simple to make and packed full of tangy flavour, kimchi kraut is a tasty addition to nearly anything.

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Fermented Hot Sauce

I think we can all agree that I kind of suck at this whole blogging thing. Well here I am, after a long break, to post a recipe that I am very excited about.

I love hot sauce! I love the tingly feeling it leaves in my mouth, I love the way beads of sweat form on my nose, I love the beautiful peppers that grow like glowing ornaments hanging off of the plants. But… I am not a huge fan of the vinegary hot sauces. For a while I was pretty obsessed with sriracha, a subtle sweetness and a hint of garlic, but reading the label can be kind of off putting, which led me to experiment with making my own version.

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